Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Expanding my options.

I've started watching Grey's Anatomy in French and I think its going to be really helpful if I'm ever in A&E and need to pitch in unexpectedly.
So far I've learnt:
'Il arrive un homme blanc, trente ans, accident des voitures, les côtes cassés et hémorragie interne, touts les résidents venez ici tout de suite!'

'Vite! Amenez-lui a la bloc!' 
'Ah merde! Il fait une hémorragie! Qu'est ce que je dois faire, chef?!'

*'We have a white man, 30 years old, car accident - broken ribs and internal bleeding, coming through. All residents get here right now!'

'Quick! Take him through to theatre!'
'Dammit, he's haemorraging! What do I do, boss?!'

You never know.

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